My Blog
Procrastination – we've all been there, right? It's that sneaky habit of postponing stuff we know we should be doing. Like finishing a project, cleaning the house, or hitting the gym. The guilt it brings, the endless cycle of delay, and that little voice inside that says, "I'll do it...
Often at the end of the year, I take an extended break beyond the Christmas and New Year period. It is a time I like to have some downtime from work and my business, spend time with my loved ones, get some overdue things or domestic things done, like a bit of gardening or cleaning out my...
The topic for the beginning of the year – New Year Resolutions.
There are many that hold the view it’s a load of baloney and others who religiously set them every year.
People set NY resolutions for things like lose weight, get fit, save more money, reduce footprint, and take...
The term and concept SMART goals have been around for many years but still are as relevant as ever. What exactly are SMART Goals and how do you set them?
SMART is really just an acronym for the process, which is a 5 step process.
The first step in setting a good goal is getting specific. The S in...