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Cracking the Code of Procrastination: Why We Do It and How to Beat It goals mindset planning

Procrastination – we've all been there, right? It's that sneaky habit of postponing stuff we know we should be doing. Like finishing a project, cleaning the house, or hitting the gym. The guilt it brings, the endless cycle of delay, and that little voice inside that says, "I'll do it...

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5 Common Reasons You Procrastinate mindset planning

 The definition of Procrastinate from the Oxford Dictionary is “the action of delaying or postponing something.” 

Can you relate to that? 

I think we all can at some time or other, so you are not alone!

Procrastination is a word that brings a mix of...

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5 Reasons Why We Don't Do What We Plan planning

Ever had those moments when your well-laid plans go completely off track? Don't worry, you're not alone! Life has a funny way of throwing curveballs our way, making it hard to stick to our grand plans.

I am going to cover five of the reasons why our plans often fizzle out. I am sure you will...

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Conquering Procrastination through Effective Planning planning

We've all been there—staring at a mountain of tasks, feeling overwhelmed, and succumbing to the allure of procrastination. It's a vicious cycle that can leave us feeling frustrated and unproductive.

But what if I told you there's a way to break free from this pattern? The secret lies in the...

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5 Ways Youโ€™re Sabotaging Your Own Productivity (and How to Stop) planning

Have you ever found yourself working long hours, yet feeling like you're not making any progress? Do you constantly feel stressed and overwhelmed, despite your best efforts to be productive?

The truth is many of us unknowingly sabotage our own productivity with bad habits and counterproductive...

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How Small Time Blocks Can Revolutionise Your Productivity mindset organisation planning

Do you often hear yourself saying I never have enough time to get things done that I need to? Do you feel like you’re constantly racing against the clock, trying to fit everything in?  By harnessing the power of small time blocks, you can revolutionize your productivity and accomplish...

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3 Types of Procrastination that Get in Our Way. mindset organisation planning

Procrastination. We all suffer from it. And those that say they never do, well…. I don’t believe them.

There are many types of ways we procrastinate, and many reasons why.

There are the big ones we hear a lot more about – perfectionism, imposter syndrome, and fear.

Here I will...

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Top Tips to Plan your Week organisation planning

Need a few tips to help plan your week so you are more productive?

Are you guilty of sitting down at your desk to work and don’t know what you should be working on? Is your To-Do list just getting bigger and your struggle to get a system of knowing what should come first?

With a bit of...

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A Simple Way to do your Annual Planning goals organisation planning

Often at the end of the year, I take an extended break beyond the Christmas and New Year period. It is a time I like to have some downtime from work and my business, spend time with my loved ones, get some overdue things or domestic things done, like a bit of gardening or cleaning out my...

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How To Stick to your New Year Resolutions (or any goals you set yourself) goals planning

The topic for the beginning of the year – New Year Resolutions.

There are many that hold the view it’s a load of baloney and others who religiously set them every year.

 People set NY resolutions for things like lose weight, get fit, save more money, reduce footprint, and take...

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Top Questions to Ask when doing your Annual Review organisation planning

As the year is nearing an end we start to think about the next year and how we can do some things differently. But before you start planning that next year, it is important to do a review of your past year to avoid repeating the same mistakes or to continue doing something that worked.



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How to set SMART Goals goals organisation planning

The term and concept SMART goals have been around for many years but still are as relevant as ever. What exactly are SMART Goals and how do you set them?

SMART is really just an acronym for the process, which is a 5 step process.

The first step in setting a good goal is getting specific. The S in...

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